Sunday 11 June 2017

June - Life reborn

The last few weeks have had us divert our attention away from the tv and spend hours looking out the window  - woodpeckers have nested in the tree outside the front window and it's been wonderful watching them feeding the chicks.

I've been spending time watching Buzzards nesting, too. They are such amazing birds - they really enjoy themselves when flying. You can almost see them grinning away to themselves!

Managed to get an overnighter in on Poole Harbour again. So strange to see sites that were bare now become almost unrecognisable as the bracken grows up :)

So don't forget to get outside and soak up some "outdoors". It costs nothing and you'll feel that stress just float away :)

Sunday 23 April 2017


It's so wonderful to feel everything coming back to life and the sunshine invigorates. I've been out and about taking a few photo's as I walk. Enjoy!