Sunday, 25 January 2015

Solo Overnighter

Did my first proper solo overnighter in a favourite spot of mine recently. Unfortunately my usual bushcrafting companion was taken ill at the last minute so I decided to go out on my own anyway. It was an excellent experience - lighting a fire became a much larger worry on my own as it was below freezing and the area I was in was sodden with water. Thankfully I got it up and burning happily - I split some smaller branches in half lengthwise which revealed their inner dry faces.

I have gone over to using a tarp instead of a tent for the last year - it gives you more freedom in where you can set up. And you really can't beat sleeping under the stars - open your eyes and you can see the sky above you and sometimes catch the occasional inquisitive bird or animal checking you out.

A blazing fire - camp TV! There is nothing better :)

On my way back out the next day I passed a few shelters that had been made from natural foliage. I must check them out in more detail next time I am in the area.
I learned a lot on this night out. Being on your own means you must be in control of yourself  and what you are doing. You also need to keep your mind in check - it's easy to worry about things when you are on your own. But I thoroughly enjoyed it and look forward to my next trip out.

Saturday, 24 January 2015


It's pretty wet out there - we had a little rain last night and with the ground being so saturated it is flowing in rivers over the ground.

The sun was shining brightly and threw some lovely reflections on the pool at the lower end of the local wood.

Saturday, 17 January 2015


It was freezing cold this morning then it rained......good thing I had wrapped up well. The woods are totally saturated and sticking to a decent path was essential or you ended up having to backtrack due to the depth of the mud.

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Watch out for them Widowmakers!

Grabbed another brew while out wandering - love the way the steam floats off in this pic. Found another fallen tree that looked pretty rotten when it fell - check out the stump!

Sunday, 11 January 2015

Best Foot Forward..

The wet and overcast sky brought out some interesting colours today as I wandered about. The greens were extremely vibrant - the rotting trunk seemed to be almost artificially bright! I accidentally took a shot of the ground while looking at shots - a happy accident.

Saturday, 10 January 2015

The Ground Beneath Your Feet

Had an enjoyable bimble through the local wood and heathland this afternoon. It was overcast and the wind had a bitter edge but it was good to get the legs pumping. Everything is so bare at this time of year and you actually get to see the ground a lot more - once Spring starts the open areas all fill up quickly. I took a picture of the ground at my feet - leaves, chestnuts, pine cones and assorted debris. It gives a good picture of the plants and trees in this area.

Friday, 9 January 2015

More Moon....

Managed to get some better moon photo's today - a clear sky made things somewhat easier!

Thursday, 8 January 2015


We've had the occasional bit of sunshine these last days and it contrasts so well with the dark clouds. I was fortunate to have a Chinook pass over while I had the camera in my hands!

Tuesday, 6 January 2015


Nothing dominates the night sky like our companion the Moon. It is a welcome sight on a night-time walk or overnighter. Taking a photo is not easy without a tripod and some camera skills (I am lacking in both) and it amazes me how quickly she dances across the sky.

Another Brew...?

I do enjoy a brew, especially when it's a bit chilly :)

Sunday, 4 January 2015

New Kettle

Spent some of my Christmas pressie cash on a little kettle. It only holds 800ml of water and is a dinky little thing but perfect for use on an open fire (and keeping out bits of ash, etc) as well as on a stove. Tried it out today using my trangia meths stove - brewed up a nice cuppa and took some photo's while it boiled.

New OS Map Changes

I noticed that OS will be introducing chances to the way longitude and latitude are shown on their maps - useful if you use GPS. There is more information here.....

Saturday, 3 January 2015

Bog Walk

Went for a stroll in Ferndown the other day, an area aptly named "Soggy Bog". A walkway has been built on some sections so you can keep foot dry, a nice touch.

Friday, 2 January 2015


It's always a shock to encounter a wild animal larger than a squirrel when out working in the woods (in the UK, anyway!). One of my favourite creatures to bump into are Deer - they move so quietly and it always amazes me how good their camouflage is, even with that white rear end :)

Thursday, 1 January 2015

A New Year

As we enter a new year I wish you the very best and give you the gift of Fire - stay warm and cosy during these cold days.